Conversion Disorder Treatment Online

Conversion disorder usually occurs after a traumatic experience or significant distress and persists as a form of disability without injury. Patients will display physical symptoms for which there is no known physical cause and which they can’t control.

What Is Conversion Disorder?

Conversion disorder, also known as functional neurological symptom disorder or functional neurological disorder, is a mental condition in which a person has blindness, paralysis, or other neurological symptoms that can’t be explained by a neurological disease or medical assessment. There are three types of conversion disorder: motor, sensory, and seizures.
1. Motor conversion disorder includes paralysis or uncontrolled movement.
2. Sensory conversion disorder includes blindness or deafness.
3. Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures are convulsions that can cause shaking and losing consciousness.
Conversion disorder is diagnosed more often in women than men and usually starts in adolescence or young adulthood. It’s also more common in people who have a family member with the condition.
The patient’s symptoms will vary depending on the type of functional neurologic disorder and may encompass distinct patterns. Frequently conversion disorder will affect a person’s movement or senses, most often it’s the ability to see, hear, or walk. These symptoms often come on very abruptly and will appear as though they’re problems with your nervous system.

Causes of Conversion Disorder

The exact cause of conversion disorder is not known, but there are a number of theories about what may contribute to its development. Some experts believe that it may be the result of unresolved psychological conflict or trauma. It has also been suggested that conversion disorder may be linked to a person’s cultural beliefs or upbringing. Conversion disorder is more common in women than men, and it often occurs in young adults. There is also evidence to suggest that there may be a genetic component to the condition.

Conversion Disorder Symptoms

Conversion disorder can present itself in a variety of ways, depending on the individual. Some common functional neurological symptoms, or conversion symptoms, include:
  • Tunnel Vision or Blindness
  • Deafness
  • Loss of Sensation
  • Uncontrollable Movements
  • Numbness or Paralysis
  • Inability to Speak
While these are some of the more common symptoms of conversion disorder, conversion disorder can manifest in any number of ways. If you or someone you know is experiencing any type of neurological symptom that cannot be explained by medical conditions, it is important to seek help from a qualified mental health professional or doctor. A professional will use your symptoms to determine whether you have a condition in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), published by the American Psychiatric Association.

Conversion Disorder vs Somatic Symptom Disorder

Conversion disorder is different from somatic symptom disorder in a few key ways. First, conversion disorder always involves a neurological symptom, while somatic symptom disorder may or may not involve a neurological symptom. Second, conversion disorder is characterized by an inability to perform a motor or sensory function, while somatic symptom disorder is characterized by excessive and disproportionate worry about one’s bodily symptoms. Finally, conversion disorder always has a psychological trigger, while somatic symptom disorder may or may not have a psychological trigger.

Conversion Disorder Diagnosis

Diagnosis of conversion disorder is not perfect, but your licensed healthcare professional or doctor will start by eliminating other possible physical, neurological, or mental causes for your symptoms. According to the APA (American Psychiatric Association) the following symptoms are standard in order to be diagnosed as having conversion disorder:
  • The patient must have at least 1 symptom that affects their voluntary motor or sensory function, suggesting a neurologic or other medical condition. Patients may also present with seizures or convulsions, or with a mixture of symptoms.
  • Psychological factors appear to be associated with the symptom. For example, symptoms may start or worsen after a stressor such as a conflict.
  • The patient’s symptom causes them to feel distress or have difficulties when engaged in important activities. The symptom may also warrant medical investigation.
  • Other diagnoses should be considered if the doctor suspects that the patient is pretending or producing the symptoms intentionally.
  • The symptom should not be better explained by another mental disorder and does not occur during the course of somatization disorder. The symptom should not be limited to pain or sexual dysfunction.

Conversion Disorder Online Test

If you think you may be suffering from conversion disorder, it is important to seek professional help. We put together an online test that can help you to assess whether you may be experiencing symptoms of the condition. The test is not a replacement for a professional diagnosis, but it can give you a better idea of whether or not you should seek help from a mental health professional.

Conversion Disorder Test

Conversion disorders occur when someone has an inability to convert what they feel or think into action. This condition can affect anyone at anytime but most often occurs during times of high stress where there have been many changes happening around us all simultaneously. With a simple online test, we can help you find out if your brain is sending confusing messages to yourself. Please note: this is not a tool to diagnose conversion disorder, and only a medical professional or doctor can diagnose you with a mental health disorder.

I have chronic pain that I cannot explain

I have seen or heard things that weren't actually there

I have migraines or other head pain

I have had limb weakness or found myself unable to move (paralysis)

I have experienced loss of my voice, slurred or stuttered speech

I have difficulty sleeping or insomnia.

I cannot smell things but I'm not congested and am breathing fine

I find myself having memory issues and thinking through problems

I have trouble coordinating my movements

I've experienced numbness or tingling in my limbs, body or face

Your score is

The average score is 52%

Conversion Disorder Treatment

If you or someone you know is suffering from conversion disorder, it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible. Conversion disorder can be a debilitating condition, and left untreated can lead to even more serious problems. If the disorder is caused by a chronic disorder, like depression, then the depression must be treated in order to stop the conversion disorder episodes from recurring. There are a number of effective treatment methods for conversion disorder. The most important thing is to seek professional help as soon as possible. Here are some of the most common treatment methods:
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): This type of therapy focuses on changing negative thoughts and behaviors. It can be very effective in treating conversion disorder.
Exposure therapy: This type of therapy involves gradually exposing yourself to the things that trigger your conversion disorder. This can help you learn to cope with your triggers and eventually overcome them.
Psychotherapy: This is a type of therapy that focuses on helping you understand your thoughts and emotions. It can be very helpful in treating conversion disorder.
Medication: There are a number of medications that can be used to treat conversion disorder. These include antidepressants, anti-anxiety medication, and antipsychotic medication.
Mindflow Recovery specializes in treating many mental disorders and psychiatric disorders, and provides an extremely thorough diagnostic and treatment process, to ensure that patients are actually treated for the psychological struggles that are creating symptoms.

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