Virtual Therapy & Treatment for Co-occurring Disorders

What is a Co-Occurring Disorder?

A co-occurring disorder is a mental health problem that occurs with another psychiatric condition. Co-occurring disorders are a serious mental health issue that affects many different people worldwide. There are many people who have co-occurring disorders, and often do not even know it. In these cases, they may think that they are just suffering from one mental illness, when in reality, they actually have two or more.

Do you have a Co-Occurring Disorder?

It is estimated that there are over 7 million American adults who suffer from this condition. They can be caused by a variety of factors, and they can often lead to poor mental health outcomes. Fortunately, there is help available at Mindflow Recovery Institute for those suffering from co-occurring disorders.

Treatments for Co-Occurring Disorders

Treatments for Co-Occurring Disorders

There are many different types of co-occurring disorders, such as depression and anxiety, eating disorder and substance abuse etc. Treatment for these conditions can often times be difficult to find because most therapists, centers, offices, etc. only treat one issue at a time. Mindflow Recovery Institute and their virtual therapy have helped many people with various types of co-existing disorders to get the help that they need without having to leave the comfort or safety of their home.

CTI’s teletherapy program offers patients one of the most comprehensive online treatment programs available, giving them access to medical professionals 24 hours a day, seven days a week for all things ranging from depression management courses such as Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) or Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP), medically supervised detoxification treatments if needed after cessation of drug use; even support groups are offered by qualified clinicians via live chat or phone call sessions whenever they’re necessary – Crownview has it all!

Help is just around the corner

Reach out today and take the first step towards getting the help that you need and deserve today. Simply call and speak to one of our helpful staff members by dialing (833) 957-2690 or if you’d be more comfortable, simply fill out our online form and someone will get back to you shortly.

BPD Therapy Online

Borderline personality disorder, or BPD, can be hard to live with and it can be even harder to find a local therapist that doesn’t charge an arm and a leg for their services. With the advancement of internet video technology, Mindflow Recovery Institute is proud to offer online therapy for mental disorders such as BPD offer a supportive environment where patients and licensed therapists work together in an integrative approach that combines psychodynamic principles along with modern techniques such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) or other evidence-based practices that affect neurotransmitters in the brain associated with mood regulation and interpersonal functions.

What is Borderline Personality Disorder?

What is Borderline Personality Disorder?

Borderline personality disorder is a mental illness that is characterized by an ongoing pattern of alternating moods, self-image, and behavior. BPD symptoms may include impulsive behavior, self harm, unstable moods, extreme emotions, stormy relationships, and other self harming behavior. BPD online therapy provides people with the opportunity to talk about their problems in detail without having to leave the comfort of their own home or interact with anyone they don’t want to.

According to the National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder, one in ten Americans suffers from BPD. The exact cause of BPD remains unknown at this time, but treatments include BPD therapy online via live chat sessions, individual psychotherapy, and group therapy sessions where you talk about your problems anonymously and receive peer support without feeling judged.

Mood and Anxiety Symptoms

Those living with BPD may experience intense episodes or chronic feelings of anger, anxiety, eating disorders, depression, self harm, unsafe sex, intense emotions, or self destructive behaviors that can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Borderline personality disorder can be hard to diagnose because the symptoms of BPD often mimic those of other mental health disorders, such as bipolar disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders, depression, or other mental health issues and self harming behaviors. BPD is treatable through psychotherapy, medications, or a combination of both.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

There are various treatment options for BPD but Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one of the most commonly used forms to treat BPD, and online therapy services make it easy to meet with mental health professionals from the comfort of your home and receive the proper treatment.

People with BPD are often very sensitive to what others think about them; therefore it’s important that online therapists only use evidence-based therapies, like CBT, in order for treatment to be effective. People who live with borderline personality disorder can lead healthy and productive lives if they seek out the right kind of help such as BDP (Borderline Personality Disorder) Therapy Online from a licensed therapist.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Research shows that Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is another effective treatment for BPD. A DBT therapist teaches you four skills to make your life better:

Mindfulness helps you focus on the present moment and accept yourself and your life circumstances with compassion. 

Distress tolerance helps you get through challenging situations.

Emotion regulation, or Interpersonal Effectiveness,to help you better handle emotions such as anger, sadness, or feelings of abandonment.

Relationship skills help you set boundaries, communicate your needs, and build more supportive connections with others.

By using these skills you are able to develop your own self help strategies and build better relationships with family members, friends, and other people.

Because there is no best treatment for everyone, therapists may mix techniques from different therapies, or use a combination therapy. 

Online Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder

Online Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder at Crownview

Mindflow Recovery National Institute is proud to offer online therapy for mental health conditions such as Borderline Personality Disorder, and many other mental disorders and mental health issues. Call us today and let a mental health professional develop a treatment plan for you.

Whether you would like to understand BPD more, or find immediate help to reduce symptoms – our helpful staff is here for you every step of the way. Just give us a call or fill out the contact form on this page for more information.

4 Reasons To Try Online Therapy

4 Reasons To Try Online Therapy
  1. Online Therapy is More Convenient & Cost Effective

There’s no longer any need for you to waste precious time driving across town in order to receive therapy services from a trained and qualified professional. Thanks to recent developments in telemedicine and telehealth, along with the recent COVID-19 epidemic, it is now possible to get quality counseling and treatment right from home. This is incredibly convenient for those who do not have the ability to travel, have complicated schedules, or simply do not have access to traditional healthcare services in their area.

  1. Counseling From Home Offers Privacy

Privacy is a top concern for those who are looking for meaningful mental health and addiction services. Patients want to know for certain that their information is kept confidential. The idea of teletherapy or online counseling can sometimes leave people concerned about their personal privacy, and it’s a valid concern this day and age. However, we’re quite lucky that the field of cyber security has seen such advances in recent years. Online therapy and counseling is safe and secure when it uses HIPAA compliant platforms.

  1. Teletherapy is as Effective as In-Office Treatment

There have been many studies which have provided evidence to suggest that online therapy and treatment are actually at the same level of effectiveness as in-office treatments. So, if there’s no longer any need for you to travel, you’re free to seek counseling and treatment from the safety and comfort of your own home, on a schedule that’s most convenient for you and your lifestyle.

  1. Online Treatment Allows For a More Thorough Selection of Therapists & Staff

Mindflow Recovery Institute has an amazing group of Therapists, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Nurse Practitioners, and other important staff that have helped make this community what it is today. Each individual plays an important role in helping you through your journey to becoming the person you always knew you could be. Get to know the wonderful members of CTI here:

Bipolar Disorder Treatment From Home

Are you one of the millions of Americans who are currently living with bipolar disorder? We know sometimes it can feel like it, but you are not alone. It’s estimated that bipolar disorder affects approximately 5.7 million or about 2.8% of the U.S. population age 18 and older.

Bipolar Disorder Treatment from Home

As with most disorders, the treatment of bipolar disorder often includes medication, talk therapy, and a combination of both. Talk therapy has been proven to be quite effective, especially Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), but is most effective when used in conjunction with other forms of therapy and treatment as well.

Patients with bipolar disorder are excellent candidates for telehealth and telepsychiatry. These HIPAA complaint online options, allow for the comfortable, safe, and private treatment of any mental health or addiction disorder. Mindflow Recovery Institute makes it easy and convenient for patients with bipolar disorder to stay on top of their medication management and continue to receive their current prescriptions.

If you’re interested in further exploring the different telehealth options at Mindflow Recovery Institute, contact our helpful staff today.

All you need in order to get started is an internet connection, a internet connected device, and a private space where you feel comfortable. It’s that easy!

Call us today at 833-957-2690 or
Fill out a Contact Form by clicking HERE

Benefits Of Telepsychiatry For Addiction

What is Telemedicine?

With the advent of technology and the recent pandemic, people’s stance towards medical care has also changed. Now people prefer to take online medical consult in comparison to personally visiting doctors. Telemedicine is the process by which doctors provide medical care via technology.

What is Telepsychiatry?

Telepsychiatry is a vital application of telemedicine. The patients can get a variety of treatments at home via video conferencing.

These treatments include:

  • Psychiatric evaluations.
  • Psychiatric therapies. These include individual therapies, group and even family therapies.
  • Patient education.
  • Medication management.
Does telepsychiatry benefit addiction and recovery?

Does telepsychiatry benefit addiction and recovery?

While telepsychiatry’s primary benefit for addiction and recovery includes convenience for the patient, some other benefits are specifically helpful for people going through addiction and recovery.

  • Patients Discretion

There was an increase in the usage of opioids during the lockdown. The rise in trend was because patients were suffering from isolation and depression. Teletherapy was helpful for such patients. It helps to maintain the discretion of the patient. Patients can be free from the social stigma and judgments of the others around them.

  • Increasing the access to addiction treatment

Telehealth is easily reachable for most patients. It includes those living in rural areas with a lack of excellent health care facilities. Telemedicine bridge the gap between the doctor and the patient. Patients can recover from addiction by staying in the comfort of their homes.

  • Convenient for patient

Online therapy is suitable for patients from every aspect. It not only reduces the traveling cost but the travel time as well. Patients can set up appointments at their convenience. Such type of medicines coverage reduces the need for emergency visits. Patients can also go through the recovery and follow up process via online sessions.

The Takeaway:

The chronic problem of addiction and its road to recovery requires constant doctor and patient interactions. Online counseling can increase the efficiency of addiction treatment. All of this is possible because the internet removes the barriers of stigma and geography. Despite all the benefits that it has, telepsychiatry remains underutilized by patients.